Homework 1
  • You are expected to work individually.
  • Due: Friday, February 9th at 11pm EST (Baltimore time).
  • This assignment is worth 60 points.

Update 2/4: added a few clarifications

Learning Objectives

  • arithmetic operators
  • arrays
  • control structures
  • input collection and validation
  • version control using git


In this homework, you will write a program to help the user keep track of a collection of coins of arbitrary denominations.

Program Requirements

When the program starts, it prompts the user to enter the number of different coin denominations that will be used (“How many denominations?”). Then, for each coin denomination, it prompts the user for a one-letter identifier and the value of the coin (“Enter coin identifier and value in cents:”). Note that the coin identifiers are case-sensitive, so “d” and “D” are different identifiers. Also note that the value of the coin must be an integer (i.e., the program should represent coin values as integers.)

Once all of the coin identifiers and values are recorded, the program enters a command loop. Each time the program prompts the user to enter a command (“Enter a command:”), the user enters the one-letter name of the command, and if the command requires additional values to be entered, reads those values. It then carries out the command and if the command was not “q” (quit), continues the command loop.

There are four commands:

Note that the user could also terminate the command loop by typing ctrl-d when prompted for a command.


In some situations, the user will need to press ctrl-d twice in a row in order to generate an end-of-file condition for the program's standard input.

When the command loop terminates, the program prints a line with the text Bye! and then exits with the exit code 0.

Error Handling

The program should handle errors as follows.

If either

then the program should print the line “Invalid input” to stderr and exit with the exit code 1.

If the user enters a coin identifier as part of an a or r command that is not one of the identifiers entered by the user prior to the command loop, the program should print the line “Unknown coin identifier” to stderr and exit with the exit code 2. Note that the “Unknown coin identifier” should only be printed if the coin identifier and count were both read successfully.

If the user enters a command character that is not one of a, r, s, or q, then the program should print the line “Invalid command” to stderr and exit with the exit code 3.

If no errors occur and the program completes normally, it should exit with the exit code 0.

Note that all of your code can be in a single main function, so a return statement will exit the program. E.g., the statement

return 1;

will exit the program with the exit code 1. (In future assignments, we will expect you to write functions to modularize your program, but you don’t need to use functions for this assignment.)

Note that you do not need to handle the following kinds of errors:

Hints and Specifications

The program should allow the user to enter up to 20 coin denominations. You should use arrays to keep track of the identifiers for each type of coin and their face values. For example,

char identifiers[MAX_DENOMINATIONS];

You’ll also want to have a variable indicating how many different types of coins there are, so that you know which elements of these arrays are used.

It will also make sense to have an array keeping track of how many coins of each type are in the user’s collection.

Make sure that your program consistently checks the return value of scanf so that it knows whether or not input was read successfully.

Keep in mind that error messages should be printed to stderr and not stdout.

Development Requirements

In the homework folder of your private repository (2024-spring-student-JHED), you should create a new subfolder named homework/hw1. In that homework/hw1 subfolder, you will create your program in a new C source file named coins.c. At the top of the file, add a comment with your six character alphanumeric Hopkins ID. (Please do not include your name or JHED so as to allow for blind grading.)

Throughout your work on this assignment, be sure to frequently add, commit (supplying meaningful messages) and push your changes to your personal git repository. After you complete your work on the assignment, you will be asked to submit a gitlog.txt file, just as in Homework 0. However, we expect your log for this homework to show more activity.

Recall that your code is always expected to compile without errors or warnings, on the ugrad servers. Submissions which do not compile properly may earn zero points, so be sure to submit to Gradescope early and often! And once you get a good start on the assignment, always have some earlier compiling version of your work pushed up to Github.

Example Runs


Note that when you test your program in a terminal using the example inputs shown below, the result should be exactly what is shown below, including spacing. Note that

  • Each prompt should end with a space, but should not have a newline at the end
  • Each output line in response to the "`s`" and "`q`" commands should end with a newline

Here are several samples runs of the program on ugrad, where $ denotes the command prompt, and user input is shown in bold. Note that the first line shown below is the command you are expected to use as you compile your program (and the one that will be used by the graders). The compilation line should report zero errors and warnings, as demonstrated below:

Example 1

$ gcc -std=c11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra coins.c
$ ./a.out
How many denominations? 5
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: p 1
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: n 5
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: d 10
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: q 25
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: D 100
Enter a command: a p 37
Enter a command: a q 5
Enter a command: a D 4
Enter a command: r q 2
Enter a command: s
Identifier,Face Value,Count,Total Value
Overall value of collection: $5.12
Enter a command: q

Example 2 (Canadian edition)

$ gcc -std=c11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra coins.c
$ ./a.out
How many denominations? 6
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: p 1
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: n 5
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: d 10
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: q 25
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: D 100
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: t 200
Enter a command: a t 3
Enter a command: a q 2
Enter a command: s
Identifier,Face Value,Count,Total Value
Overall value of collection: $6.50
Enter a command: q

Example 3 (quitting using Control-D)

$ gcc -std=c11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra coins.c
$ ./a.out
How many denominations? 3
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: A 1 
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: B 13
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: C 51
Enter a command: a B 12
Enter a command: a C 9
Enter a command: s
Identifier,Face Value,Count,Total Value
Overall value of collection: $6.15
Enter a command: [...user types Control-D...]Bye!

Example 4 (user enters invalid number of denominations)

$ gcc -std=c11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra coins.c
$ ./a.out
How many denominations? foobar
Invalid input

Example 5 (user enters invalid input for coin identifier/value)

$ gcc -std=c11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra coins.c
$ ./a.out
How many denominations? 3
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: p 1
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: n 5
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: d frotz 
Invalid input

Example 6 (invalid coin identifier)

$ gcc -std=c11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra coins.c
$ ./a.out
How many denominations? 2
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: p 1
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: n 5
Enter a command: a p 211
Enter a command: a n 19
Enter a command: s
Identifier,Face Value,Count,Total Value
Overall value of collection: $3.06
Enter a command: a Y 5
Unknown coin identifier

Example 7 (invalid command)

$ gcc -std=c11 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra coins.c
$ ./a.out
How many denominations? 3
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: A 1
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: B 17
Enter coin identifier and value in cents: C 57
Enter a command: a B 13
Enter a command: r B 4
Enter a command: s
Identifier,Face Value,Count,Total Value
Overall value of collection: $1.53
Enter a command: j
Invalid command

There may be other ways for the input to be malformed, besides the ways shown above. You must be careful to check for all the various ways it might be malformed.


Create a .zip file named hw1.zip which contains only coins.c and gitlog.txt. (Do not zip your entire hw1 folder - only these two files.) Copy the hw1.zip file to your local machine and submit it as Homework 1 on Gradescope.

Recall you can create your gitlog.txt file by running git log > gitlog.txt.

When you submit, Gradescope conducts a series of automatic tests. These tests do basic checks like making sure that you submitted the right files and that your .c file compiles properly. If you see error messages here (look for red), address them and resubmit.

No-compile Policy

Remember that if your final submitted code does not compile, you will earn a zero score for the assignment.


You may re-submit any number of times prior to the deadline; only your latest submission will be graded.


Review the course syllabus for late submission policies (grace period and late days). You will want to save your late days for the future assignments as they will be more involved.

You should also make sure that your code has good style. You can look at the coding style guidelines here from a course you will take later that also applies to this course. In brief, you should make sure that your submission is well formed:

Two notes regarding automatic checks for programming assignments: