Homework 0
  • You are expected to work individually.
  • Due: Friday, February 2nd by 11pm (Baltimore time).
  • This assignment is worth 20 points.

Learning Objectives

  • editing a C source file,
  • compiling and executing a C program.


  • git
  • zip up multiple files
  • transferring files from ugrad to a local machine using scp/pscp
  • submitting to Gradescope.

Part 1


You should receive an invitation to the jhu-ip organization and your private repository by Thursday, January 26th. If you haven't received it, post privately for all instructors on Piazza.

In your private git repository (created for you on Github under jhu-ip organization), create a new folder named homework, then a subfolder named hw0. In that hw0 subfolder, create three separate C source files with names given below that output exactly the messages shown below. In each case, the desired output message should be followed by a newline (“\n”) character.


The "hello, world" program that was the starting point for Exercise 3-B could be a useful starting point for the source files for this homework.

At the top of each source file, be sure to add two comment lines that indicate your name followed by your JHED ID, e.g.:

//Homer Simpson

The behavior of each program is as follows:

file name desired output
one.c The first prize goes to Jennifer.
two.c The second prize goes to Gongqi.
three.c The third prize goes to Pat.

Compile and execute each of the three programs and ensure that they give the output exactly as shown. Finally, add all three source files to your git repository, commit them with an appropriate message, and push.

Part 2

Create a text file named gitlog.txt which demonstrates your recent git activity by typing the command git log > gitlog.txt


You can optionally view the contents of the newly created file by typing less gitlog.txt

Part 3

Create a .zip file named hw0.zip which contains exactly the following four files: three.c, two.c, one.c, gitlog.txt. Copy the hw0.zip file to your local machine, and submit it via Gradescope. Specifically:

When you submit, Gradescope conducts a series of automatic tests. These tests do basic things like check that you submitted the right files and that your .c files compile properly. If you see error messages here (look for red), address them and resubmit.


You may re-submit any number of times prior to the deadline; only your latest submission will be graded.

Two notes regarding automatic checks for programming assignments: